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Have These Utensils on Hand for Fresh Pasta Making

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    Updated:Feb 28, 2023

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    We all love pasta, isn’t it? Eating pasta is as fun as making it from scratch. If you think making pasta is hard, you are wrong. All you need is the right technique and some essential tools. Scroll down to know about the tools you must have while making pasta.

    Making Fresh Pasta? Keep These Tools Handy

    Who doesn’t love a fresh batch of pasta made out of scratch? Eating pasta could be fun but you know what? Making it is even more fun. Making handmade pasta is an art and an important Italian tradition. Recipes for pasta may vary from one recipe to another but if you have the right technique, you can ace all the recipes. And when you learn about the technique, you must own some essential tools that can help you make fresh pasta. Wanna know what these tools are? 


    Strainers are quite an essential tool when it comes to making pasta. It helps in removing the dough from the water. If you have a large mesh strainer, it can work well. In absence of a strainer, it would be a little difficult to cook pasta and removing fresh pasta dough from the boiling water. Wanna buy a strainer? Click the link below! 

    When making pasta, rolling pins are something you must have. There are different types of rolling pins available in the market. A good rolling pin helps in evenly rolling the dough. For better results, you can choose French rolling pin which gives proper thickness to the dough and works well with delicate pasta.  

    If you want to invest money into an equipment, it should be nothing but a good pasta machine. This is one of the most useful tools you are ever going to find. Not just will it help in rolling out the dough but will also help in cutting the dough into perfect noodles. Trust me, you will never regret buying this famous tool.  

    The key to making a good pasta revolves around making the perfect dough. Using a good quality of cutting board will help you cutting your dough easily. The board should be big enough so that it can accommodate the amount of pasta you are planning to make.  

    If you think knives are not important in making pasta, you are probably wrong. Those who don’t know, knives can help you in cutting tougher doughs and thus, investing in good knives is important. To make pasta, you must go for Italian-style knives. 

    So, next time when you are planning to make fresh pasta, make sure you have these tools! 


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    Author: Emily Cook

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    Name: Emily Cook

    Birthday: 1978-05-18

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    Job: Article Writer

    Hobby: Rock Climbing, Arduino, Surfing, Soccer, Chess, Skydiving, Hiking

    Introduction: My name is Emily Cook, I am a venturesome, unguarded, Gifted, rich, radiant, sincere, candid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.