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The Most Expensive Laptops Ever Sold Are These

most expensive laptops

most expensive laptops

From heavy-duty gaming laptops to diamond-encrusted ones, here are five of the most expensive laptops to have ever been on sale.

It’s hard to imagine that it wasn’t too long ago that laptops were a luxury. Nowadays, they’re so common no one bats an eye when you lug them around. But even when they started becoming accessible to most people, these laptops surely would have turned heads if you carried them around with you. Most of them are quite old now, but it’s still surprising that for a moment in time, laptops with price tags like these were available for consumers—or at least consumers who just had cash lying around.

The most expensive laptops to have ever been on sale

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Alienware Area-51 m15x – USD $3,899

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Image credit: Alienware

Image credit: Alienware

It’s clunky and not too easy on the eyes, but it can’t be denied that the Alienware Area-51 m15x packs a punch (or it did when it was originally released). It houses a 2.8GHz Core 2 Extreme X9000 CPU and an Nvidia GeForce 8800 GPU, which was ridiculously fast back when it was released. According to CNET’s review, its performance is impressive when the laptop is used for gaming. But if you’re just using it casually for web surfing and watching Vine compilations on YouTube, you won’t really be able to appreciate its speed. 

Asus ROG GX800VH – USD $6,000

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Image credit: ASUS

Image credit: ASUS

The Republic of Gamers (ROG) brand evidently makes devices with gamers in mind, so the Asus ROG GX800VH is well-suited for gaming. With a 17-inch screen, this laptop also comes with a separate liquid cooling dock. You can run the laptop without it, but if you want to experience its full graphical capabilities, you’ll need to dock it. With so much hardware needed to make it run efficiently and powerfully, it’s understandably hefty. Laptops are usually bought because they’re compact, but this might be a little heavy in your backpack.

Voodoo ENVY H:171 – USD $8,500

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Image credit: Voodo

Image credit: Voodo

Painted with striking colours and spotting a “tattooed” back, the ENVY H:171 is a unique 17-inch laptop. Aside from the fact that its design is striking, users can add three additional hard drives to increase the device’s memory and you can also double the graphics memory. While the specs may not be too impressive nowadays, back in the late 2000s, this thing was considered a beast, especially when you consider that it comes with its very own DVD writer so you can safely store all the things you downloaded from Limewire.


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Ego for Bentley – USD $19,800

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Image credit: Bentley

Image credit: Bentley

Bentley is known for its cars, but there was a moment in time when it decided to try its hand on laptops. The Ego for Bentley laptop looks more like a handbag than a laptop, and when it’s opened, it’s reminiscent of the old Apple clamshell iBook.  Is there any reason for its nearly $20k price? Other than it’s from Bentley and that it can share the same design as your car, not really. One website called Gadget Review called it “stupid and wasteful”. It’s called Ego anyway, so what did we expect?

MJ Laptop Brilliant Limited Edition – USD $3.5 million

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Image credit: MJ

Image credit: MJ

Topping the list of the most expensive laptops is, unsurprisingly, the most ostentatious laptop that might have ever existed. The MJ Laptop Brilliant Limited Edition is inlaid with black and white Swarvoski diamonds and comes with a solid gold mouse, a lifetime jewellery warranty and a 10-year warranty for the notebook. Specs-wise, there doesn’t seem to be anything impressive about it. This laptop is simply for showing off how filthy rich you are.

This story first appeared on Prestige Online Thailand


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Author: Samantha Foster

Last Updated: 1702302722

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Name: Samantha Foster

Birthday: 1997-06-28

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Introduction: My name is Samantha Foster, I am a capable, courageous, Precious, spirited, Adventurous, exquisite, steadfast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.